Title Examinations and Title Opinions

We are available for stand-up or abstract-based title examinations
throughout the State of Texas.  Most clients prefer to furnish a runsheet
and photocopies of title documents for examination.  We offer Title
Opinions for all of your needs, including:
 Drilling Title Opinions
 Original Title Opinions
 Division Order Title Opinions
 Supplemental Title Opinions
 Surface Title Opinions for rights-of-way and other purposes
 Limited Purpose Title Opinions for lenders, due diligence, etc.
Document Preparation and Review

We also prepare and review all types of title documents, including:
 Declarations of Pooling
 Assignments of Leases
 Assignments of O.R.I.
 Pooling Agreements
 Affidavits of all types
 Mineral Deeds
 Royalty Deeds
 Warranty Deeds
 and more
Other services and counsel are available upon request.

We do not represent land owners in claims against oil and gas companies.
© 2005 - 2014    Randle V. Jessup.  All rights reserved.
Professional Services Offered
Professional Services
The Law Offices of   RANDLE  V.  JESSUP
Ranger, Texas
Clerk's Office